Sunday , September 8 2024
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Living by seeing God

The word of God that lives in you is the God in you. Missing the word is missing God. Devil fears the word of God in a man.

Hebrews 11:27,

Job 23:8, 19:25-26
After the death of Jesus, all things became new, knowing Jesus and finding your place in Him brings about the devil beginning to worry about you.You may be wondering since God is spirit, how will I be able to see Him? It’s in God’s plan for man to live and see Him. But man couldn’t see God anymore because there are bounds of separation that has made it that ordinary eye can’t see God again. Those who will see God will see him extraordinarily. Seeing God offers one life that those who can’t see God can’t have it.
While Moses was in Egypt, he wasn’t afraid of Pharaoh because he was seeing the invincible God. There’s invisible reign that when you begin to operate, there’s nothing that can stop you. David entered that realm and he fought the giant called Goliath.
David wasn’t afraid because he saw God and he’s operating in the invisible realm and no visible man has power over him. If you see God and enter that realm of invisibility then no visible man can stop you.
Moses faced the red sea without being terrified because he was seeing God. When you see God, you shall be like God. You will operate, talk and do like God if you see God. The same way God was looking at the red sea was the same eye Moses was seeing the red sea.

David wasn’t terrified when he faced Goliath because he was still seeing God. When you stop seeing God, you will think that God is no more with you. Job said he looked to the left and right but he couldn’t see God and he said he knows that his redeemer lives. At the end, job recovered all that he lost.
See God even when you don’t feel Him. Look up to the realm of the invisibility and you will see God. When it looks like darkness is surrounding you, worship God. Any day you feel that God has left you, start worshiping God. Worship elevates your spiritual eyes to see God. When the mad man saw Jesus, he worshiped and the demons in him began to cry. When you lift your eyes and worship the I am that I am, your problems will also see God. Deal with the anger and problems in your heart so that you can see God.

*Begin to worship God, just like Job who said that he knows his redeemer liveth even though he’s not seeing God.

One comment

  1. De Great Michael

    Father help your son to be faithful in all, Amen

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